Monday 21 January 2013

Happy New Year

   Happy New Year! Sorry for my late start to the blogging year! I'v been so busy, but that is no excuse! I started making a blog about cookies I made but I only got a few lines in before I got disrupted and then that story was ruined for ever.. OK that was a bit dramatic, but you get what I mean.
   Today it snowed and yesterday it snowed, it also snowed earlier last week but that was just a dusting. On the news it seems like the world is ending when it snows in England but it's nothing compared to what its like in Scotland. And I am not just being biased, I used to live in Southampton for years and it snowed once for the whole time we were there! One year we came up to Scotland for Christmas and it snowed so much I couldn't stand up in the snow, but to be fair I was only three or four, not the point. Although I suppose the snow in Scotland is nothing compared to other countries.
   OK moving on. On Friday me and my two best  mates and I had a movie night which normally involves a film with at least one attractive person, pizza, ice cream and fits of giggles. Oh and a lot of fun!

This is Miss A. With Monsieur Moustache I made her for Christmas. She's a bit crazy. She is also the oldest and the day of her birthday matches her house number, cool I hear you say! Yes she is!

    This is Miss E. You may have read her blog (Wise Words From Edna) She is also crazy, but this seems to be a thing with me and my friends. She is the middle aged one, as in her birthdays in the middle of mine and Miss A's not that she is middle aged but she will be one day!
   Together our first name initials spell ACE obviously because thats what we are. Another fun fact is that their real names are longer versions of my sisters names, however I couldn't say who I prefer, I love them all equally!
   When we were at Miss A's I thought I would show them how to light paint, although it wasn't planned so we had to do it in the kitchen instead  of out side. If it was planned I would have taken my tripod, instead we put it on a box on the kitchen worktop. It worked just as well, here is our evidence

 Pretty awesome if I may say so myself! If your lucky I may teach you myself one day! I hope you have a lovely week, Speak to you soon xx